We measure up

Progress & empowerment

Hiranga me te whakamana.

Change is constant, but navigating it doesn’t have to feel uncertain. At HERA, we act as a catalyst for positive transformation, empowering our members to stay ahead of the curve. By analysing data, challenging assumptions, and pushing beyond the status quo, we provide the clarity and confidence needed to face tomorrow with certainty. Together, we’re creating a future where you can adapt, evolve, and succeed—because when we measure up, so do you.

He kai kei aku ringa / There is food at the end of my hands.

We engineer ideas

Ingenuity & innovation

Pukenga me te auahatanga.

New challenges require fresh thinking. At HERA, we’re proud to be pioneers of new thinking and approaches that innovate and elevate the efforts of our members. While we recognise the importance of history we are not bound by it. To build successfully for the future, we’ve taken on the challenge to first build imaginations and inspire, and then to be brave enough to be original and do things different. Doing this positions our industry as global leaders.

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua / I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed to the past.

We weld together

Collaboration & community

Mahitahitanga me te hapori.

Our team comes from a wide range of backgrounds and we encourage everyone to bring their most authentic selves to their work. Thats because diverse perspectives don’t just make us stronger – they make our solutions for you stronger too! Our ‘out of the box’ thinking is powered by a community who views problems through different lenses and respects everyones contributions.

Tangata takahi manuhiri, he marae puehu / A person who mistreats a guest has a dusty marae.

We build perspectives

Respect & wellbeing

Whakaute me te taunga oranga.

By prioritising wellbeing and safety, we ensure our team operates at their very best—empowered, focused, and ready to deliver innovative solutions that drive success for your business. This commitment doesn’t just support our people – it enhances the quality of our mahi, giving you the confidence that we’re here to achieve results that matter. At HERA, a thriving team means thriving outcomes for the industry.

Tangata takahi manuhiri, he marae puehu / A person who mistreats a guest has a dusty marae.

We forge ahead

Excellence, integrity, independence

Hiranga, ngākau pono me te motuhaketanga.

As an impartial, independent organisation, we have no hidden agendas or undue influences—we present the facts as we observe them, so you can trust in our technical excellence and integrity.

While you might not need to engage with us every day, you can count on us to be there when it matters most. When challenges arise, we’re your trusted partner, ready to help you navigate complex situations with reliable expertise and clear solutions. At HERA, this responsibility is never taken for granted – we say what we mean, mean what we say, and do what we promise.

He tangata ki tahi / A person who speaks once.

Living our values

Applying values in the every day.

The actions we take to make our values come to life externally for you, are deeply rooted in how we use them internally.

As a team, we make our values come to life using our ‘values gear’ which breaks down our values into more detailed, practical actions. This gives us a clear guide to align our behaviours and communications to, so that our daily practices align with what we say externally.

Ko te rangi ki runga, ko te whenua ki raro / The sky above, the earth below.

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