HERA Report R4-145: Finite element analysis of eccentrically braced frames with removable link

HERA Report R4-145: 2013. Steel eccentrically braced frames (EBF) are expected to sustain damage during a design level earthquake through repeated cyclic deformation of the active link. A strucutral design assessment of the activiely link has been developed by SCNZ and the current FEA work intends to answer item by item the questions raised in the Objectives.



Authors: Nandor Mago
Edition: R4-145: 2013
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Abstract: Steel eccentrically braced frames (EBF) are expected to sustain damage during a design level earthquake through repeated cyclic deformation of the active link. A strucutral design assessment of the activiely link has been developed by SCNZ and the current FEA work intends to answer item by item the questions raised in the Objectives.