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To provide our industry with independent certification services, HERA Certification Ltd has been established.

HERA Certifications Ltd is authorised by the International Institute of Welding as an Authorised National Body for Company Certification (ANBCC) for New Zealand.

As an independant third party, HERA Certification Ltd works to ensure certified New Zealand fabricators manufacture structural steelworks according to international best practice – and holds them accountable if they don’t.

Certification gives participants not only the implementation tool to embed the requirements of Standards such as AS/NZS 5131 ‘Structural Steelwork – Fabrication and Erection’ into their own practices, but also a competitive edge in steelworks procurement opportunities as well.

Our core offerings

Evaluating and pre-qualifying steel fabricators through HERA Certification Ltd

HERA Certification Ltd evaluates and pre-qualifies steel fabricators to ensure they have the capability and quality management systems in place to undertake work to required standards.  It’s a key deliverable of the Steel Fabrication Certification (SFC) scheme, which is a certification scheme to ensure participating steel fabricators and component manufacturers have the capability to manufacture product to the requirements of AS/NZS 5131 (Structural Steelwork – Fabrication and Erection). It’s focus being quality assurance and reducing risk for procurers and specifiers.

This work is controlled by an independent governing board made up of the fabrication industry and other interested parties.  And is the International Institute of Welding (IIW) Authorised National Body for Companies Certification (ANBCC) for New Zealand to IIW MCS ISO 3834.

This effectively provides a critical function that ensures the SFC scheme complies with international best practice which dictates the need for independent assessment of steel fabricator manufacturing control systems due to the safety critical nature of structural steel components.

The role of HERA Certification is to issue certification, ensure compliance from participating parties under the scheme and provide technical scope and control over content applicable to the SFC scheme.

Want to know more? Contact Dr Michail Karpenko.

Quality management in welding ISO 3834

Welding is a so-called ‘special’ process, where we can’t make complete verification of a welded joint without extensive testing. That’s why  we have to build quality into the product from the beginning – especially if we want to optimise manufacturing costs.

This can be achieved by implementing a quality management system to ISO 3834. This standard sets out best practice requirements for welding fabrication by addressing key quality and productivity aspects.

ISO 3834.2 is mandatory for the SFC Contraction Category CC3 and CC4.

HERA Certification offers a means for organisations to meet the quality management standards of ISO 3834 certification, through the endorsement of the word class IIW Manufacturers Certification (IIW MCS). This holds all involved parties accountable and to the highest standards.


General Manager Fabrication 4.0 | Welding Centre