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Through our two technical teams, we’re committed to driving standards and compliance work.

This is because this work plays an important role in ensuring quality for our NZ metals industry.


Representing industry

Our Fabrication 4.0 and Structural Systems divisions represent industry on a number of standards committees and works closely with SCNZ, MBIE, NZ Standards and more.

These commitments includes WD-002, WD-003, ME-001, MT014, ISO/TC167, BD-023, BD-032, BD-006, BD-090, ME-029, and MT-001. We’ve also assisted in AS/NZS 1554, AS/NZS 5131 and AS/NZS 2327 being revised with our contribution.

We’ve had great success in this realm, particularly for our Structural Systems team who work on a number of Australian and New Zealand Standards Committees such as BD-032 and are a co-opted member of the Building Code Technical Risk Advisory Group (BCTRAG).

Our standards work

Welding capability review program for SMEs

This project aims to support small fabricators (SME) to achieve compliance with the AS/NZS 5131 standards framework and attain a higher standard in welding productivity and quality management.

As part of this work, we introduced a multi-phase assessment program which we invited SMEs to join.

Corresponding assessment tools and procedures were also developed to allow for on-site or e-assessments.

Our team is now actively assisting SME member companies to establish quality systems in compliance with AS/NZS 5131 CC2. We’re also helping with the development of quality management systems to comply with AS/NZS 5131 CC2.


Structural Systems standards review work

We’re currently focused on reviewing the following standards:

  • extensive review of composite standard AS/NZS 2327;
  • development of scoping document to revise New Zealand Steel Structures Standard NZS 3404. So far, all proposed items have been accepted and added;
  • update and development of commentary for AS/NZS 5100.6: These two projects are co-funded by HERA and are currently in progress; and 
  • revision of wind loading standard in AS/NZS 1170.2 which has been approved by the committee.

General Manager Structural Systems


General Manager Fabrication 4.0 | Welding Centre