Pūhoro Charitable Trust General Manager Research and Enterprise, Mahonri Owen.

1 September 2021 | Ep.53 – challenging the status quo: mātauranga Māori is science! Part 1

In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Mahonri Owen who is General Manager of Research and Enterprise at the Pūhoro Charitable Trust.

His work at Pūhoro supports their focus on accelerating Māori student achievement in preparation for university study and the STEM workforce.

Join us as we delve into his mahi (work) as well as discuss recent media around a controversial letter penned to The Listener by seven Professors from the University of Auckland who claimed that Mātauranga Māori is not science.


Connect with Mahonri 




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Get in touch around our Mātauranga Māori initiatives

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