He uri ahau nō ngā tōpitopito o te Hokianga-whakapau-karakia. I te taha o tōku Māmā, ko Wikaira anō, ko te whānau Harris e tū ana; ko Mary Wikaira tōku kuia te heketanga mai ki tōku Māmā. Ko ahau ko tōku tama pikopiko a Alexander.

Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi, Whirinaki te rohe. Kauhoe i ngā ngaru o te wai-tai ko Hokianga, ko Opononi ko Hokianga te moana, heke noa ki te waka o Ngātokimatawhaorua, te waka ā Kupe. E tū te whare o Mātai Aranui, na ko Te Hikutu te hapū, Te Ramaroa te maunga tiketike, tēnei te maunga kōmingo. Ko Patricia Te whatu tōku ingoa.

Did you know…

I’m based in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland

I’m a 2023 recipient of a Whanake Scholarship

I report in to Fleur Palmer

I am a Master of Architecture and Future Environments student, and my research focuses on integrating Mātauranga Māori principles into circular design through Construction 4.0.

Deeply connected to my Māori heritage, I explore how tikanga Ngāpuhi and the role of a kaitiaki can inform sustainable design practices. By blending traditional Māori values with modern construction methodologies, I aim to create a harmonious relationship between Māori cultural identity and the future of sustainable design, contributing to a more holistic approach to architecture and construction.

Patricia’s recent kōrero