
Kim Nugent

General Manager Comms 4.0

I te taha o toku matua: Ko Kurahaupo te waka, ko Mahia te moana, ko Ruawharo i Popoto nga tūpuna, ko Kahungunu te tangata, ko Rongomaiwahine te wahine, ko Ngāti Kahungunu i Rongomaiwahine ngā iwi, no Nukutaurua ia, no Te Māhia ia, ko Valentine O’Reilly Nugent ia.

I te taha o toku whaea: Ko Pūwheke te maunga, ko Tokerau te moana, ko Māmaru te waka, ko Parata te tangata, ko Ngāti Kahu te iwi, ko Te Whānau Moana te hapu, ko Haiti-tai-marangai te marae, ko Takapū te urupā, no Whatuwhiwhi ia, ko Woy Kwun Hong ia.


I help deliver the marketing and communication deliverable for HERA.  Bringing a strong background in working with engineers to clearly portray their value to their clients. Since starting at HERA, I’ve delivered expertise to create a new framework.  One that improves the way we interact with our membership and key industry stakeholders with a digital focus. As a result, we’ve seen the implementation of a refreshed brand and communication approach to build a tribe of engaged metal heads.

Behind the scene I work closely with our management team.  All in an effort to better understand the needs of our membership and ensure we’re delivering the best level of value we can. The works our team deliver collectively will see our members become industry leaders in Industry 4.0, innovation, sustainability and mātauranga Māori, and supported through our research and development, training and thought leadership.

A key area I am privileged to lead is our mātauranga Māori project. Its focus is to find the intersection between heavy engineering and the indigenous knowledge of Aotearoa and a framework to make that happen. I believe this journey will not only bring rewards to the bottom line, but more importantly – to the legacy a business will leave for intergenerational wellbeing.

It is so rewarding to help support the vision and mission of HERA – as well as continue to find new and improved ways to communicate and share value with our members on a daily basis.


Mā te huruhuru te manu ka rere ai. Adorn the bird with feathers and it can fly.

By being thought leaders, communicating new ideas, creating value offerings like key messages, Pūtātara and MetalMind, by creating a tribe of metalheads who are engaged, collaborative and as a collective – we arm our industry with many ‘feathers’ of strength, experience, resources & support so they can be successful and ‘fly’.

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