Ko te whakahaumaru ahumahi mō āpōpō mā te whakaauaha i tenei rā tonu.

Securing tomorrow’s industry by innovating today.

Ko HERA te kaikōkiri hautūtanga whakaaro i roto i te rangahau me te auaha mō tō tātou ahumahi.

HERA drives thought leadership for our industry in research and innovation.

Katoa ā mātou mahi he whakatūturu i te tautoko a Aotearoa i tō tātou ahumahi pūmaitai.

Everything we do is to ensure we’re a New Zealand that supports our metals based industry.

Ko ō mātou hiahia, kia tohua tuatahitia ko ō mātou mema hei kaiwhakawhiwhi-mahi autaia nei, ā, kia kaha hoki ki te penapena pūtea mā te pukumahi me te mahi kakama. E tautoko ana kia whāia ai e rātou ngā tikanga ā-ao pai rawa atu nei, ā, e aromātai ana, e whakamahi hangarau hou ana hoki, kia angitū ai te taha pūtea, ā, kia mōhiotia ai rātou mo tō rātou ū mārika ki tēnei mea te kounga.

We want our members to be employers of choice, and to be optimising cost effectiveness through productivity and efficiency. Providing support so they follow global best practice, are evaluating and adopting new technologies for commercial success and are recognised for their outstanding commitment to quality.

E noho haumaru ai tō tātou ahumahi mō anamata, me whakatairanga ngā whakatikanga maitai a ō mātou mema, kia mōhiotia rātou he mea kōwhiri tuatahi e te tangata, he ngāwari hoki ki te whakamahi, he whai tūraru pāpaku noa nei; otirā, ko rātou hoki te kōwhiringa ka tino ū ki ngā kaupapa nei, arā, te ukauka, te whakataetae, te haumaru, me te auaha, mō ngā tāngata o Aotearoa.

Future-proofing our industry mean’s making sure our members’ metal solutions are recognised as the best choice because they’re easy to use, are low risk and are the most sustainable, competitive, safest, and innovative option for Kiwi’s.

Ngā mihi ki koe Dr. J S Te Rito mō tō mahi whakamāori.