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Research team wānanaga
At our most recent research team Wānanga, we shared project updates. This included a deeper dive of the three Research Programs: Circular Design; Smart Construction and Monitoring 4.0. We also had an update from the Mātauranga Māori Theme, with presentation of a beautiful Construction 4.0 framework to initiate thinking on where intersectionality could be considered in the research programs. This included presentation of Vision Mātauranga branding for the project. The Tech Transfer team also ran an ellicitation workshop using Lego Serious Play.
While the programs are running well, there have been some delays associated with the appointment of PhDs for the research projects. The teams are working through how to best manage and address this.
At out next Wānanga, we hope to have the research students presenting their projects in a student conference format.
Industry Advisory Group (IAG)
We are pleased to now announce the composition of our Industry Advisory Group, who held their first meeting last week. The meeting was an opportunity for the group to meet each other, discuss the Terms of Reference and do a deep dive on the Tech Trasfer program. A discussion was also held on the preferred ways for the IAG to engage with the research program and the Mātaranga Māori outcomes. The IAG agreed to meet quarterly moving forward.