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HERA was born out of a necessity to help our industry navigate its way through a testing industrial environment in the late 70’s. Today, we still continue to tautoko heavy engineering in Aotearoa as we come face to face with new challenges and disruptions.
Our small team of kairangahau (researchers) and wider team aim to deliver a wide spectrum of research and development support for our members, working closely with universities and organisations to keep our members one step ahead.
With a rich history, HERA has been instrumental in the creation of several key entities, including SCNZ, Metals NZ, HERA Foundation, HERA Cert, and the Sustainable Steel Council. While these entities now operate independently, we maintain strong relationships with them to collectively support the steel industry and the broader construction and manufacturing sectors in Aotearoa.
Kia mau ki te aka matua; kei mau ki te aka tāepa.
Hold fast to the main vine, not the loose one.
Nov 2024
HERA is an independent research association (and member of IRANZ). Our mahi is supported by a legislated levy governed by the Heavy Engineering Research Levy Act, 1978.
Through this levy we facilitate research that drives our industry forward, advances technology and techniques and provides valuable resources to better inform our members.
To meet this remit, our Executive Board helps us shape our strategic direction through governance of our impact-led research and key deliverables.