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Mātauranga Māori
We are excited to introduce our new PhD student, joining the research team working on HERA’s ACM CRC project program Circular Design 4.0.
Congatulations to Wlla Abbad, a talented PhD student at The University of Sydney, who is the recipient of this award.
As the pressure to build more sustainably grows, so too does the need for innovative solutions that are grounded in both theory and practice.
We kōrero with the Circular Design roopu on their mahi in the Ngākopa Construction 4.0 theme for a more sustainable and resilient built environment.
Transitioning the construction sector to a circular economy is about ensuring our buildings and materials are part of an ongoing cycle that benefits future generations.
Dr. Vladislav Yakubov joins our ACM CRC research team to support our innovative metal composite research focus.
Insights into research to develop a reusable EBF to revolutionise earthquake resilience and reduce environmental impact.
Together through circular design and construction 4.0 approaches we’re transforming sustainable construction in Aotearoa.
Innovation to reuse steel structures through development of a seismic Eccentrically Braced Frame with bolted connections.
Join us as we kōrero with Neil Horsfield from Beca on the potential for adaptive reuse of our building stock.